I was Google image surfing and came across the reference album cover to my album cover for American Producer and figured I would share it.  I remember downloading 400 soul, funk and jazz records in preparation for the remix album of Jay-Z's American Gangster.  That's when vintage music blogs just really popped off.  The majority of the samples came from two sites; 4 Brothers Beats (which had to switch formats because of copyright issues) and My Jazz World (which just recently had to switch formats because of copyright issues).  While I sat and listened to every album before the acapellas to American Gangster dropped, I fell in love with all of these album covers that came with the zip files.  This jazz album cover by Seawind personified the mansion in the movie so I photoshoped it and the rest is history.  It's interesting how our generation is one of not only referencing music to make new music, but also referencing anything in particular to produce commodities and cultural products.  It also is a great strength for our generation to consume and reference so much visual and audio information.  All the work I do is essentially an archive of past historical moments and cultural milieus, but then again, past generations did the same thing, it just wasn't as apparent.     
