Stop Trying to Convince Yourself that The Carter 3 is Tight

Posted: Sunday, June 15, 2008 | |

To my friends who were dismayed by my blast belittling Lil Wayne for what I felt was a lackluster album, I present you the antithesis, Nas' ''Nigger Mixtape' with DJ Green Lantern. If this is the mixtape than the album is certain to be tight. I love conceptual music and that's why I hated the Carter 3. It was not a cohesive album. Yes Wayne's 'Dr. Carter' was a cool concept but I'm tired of rappers talking about how "I got more swagger than you" or justifying lines about killing people's grandmothers by telling people just to listen to the metaphors, or wordplay, or wack ass double entendres that are elementary at best (i.e. I'm Cole like Keyshia's family).

On first listen I felt Nas' new mixtape and I have been mad critical of Nas over the past years but I think he is about to do his thing. The material he is going to put out is is where Hiphop should direct their attention not Lil Wayne who will probably sell like 850k copies (I'm not gonna hate on that though, make your money). All I'm saying is a Burl Toler drunken freestyle is way more entertaining than Wayne's cerebral palsy-esq "we we we we weezy baaaaabay"s. Do yourself a favor and check out Nas' new mixtape.

This has been a Nick James Public Service Announcement founded by The Free Life Inc.

Download: Nas - The Nigger Tape
