Much Love to Hill Harper but Come On

Posted: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 | |

This is the cover for actor Hill Harper's new book, Letters to a Young Sister. I love how they are so excited to be in the picture. Hill has done a ton of movies but we all know we can only remember him from Get On the Bus. Those girls have no idea who he is. Plus the girl on the left can only be 1/4 Black, if that. I bet he had to have a white girl on there in order for his publishing company to release the project. And don't forget to check out the Gabrielle Union foreward (What!?). My new book comes out in a couple months, "Solace for Soccer Moms," and the cover is gonna be me cracking jokes to middle aged white women in the back of a Prius. I will not be one upped by Hill Harper. Peace.Share